We’re resting our whole selves and it changes our world.

The time to be radically rested is now.

Join me in lovingly tending to the unrest and restlessness in our skin and spirit.

The restedness we’re referring to is accumulative on top of a good night’s rest and having energy; when we are our whole selves our heart and soul’s quality of restfulness illuminates all corners of our worlds.

This exponentiates what we choose to do as living beings. Rested in the clarity of integrity and power of present embodiment, we're responsive instead of reactive.

May we be rested to show up the way(s) we intend in all our revolutions: for joy, connection and expansion through the dismantling and deconditioning from systems of oppression. When we are rested and connected to ourselves first and foremost, we create healing for ourselves and by extention, in the communities we are a part of.


“I have trouble resting and taking a break from doing… Flory has a soft and strong approach that enabled me to try and trust in a radically new way to take care of myself. She gave me permission to rest and more deeply, Flory empowered me to know that I am enough.” 

Urszula Lipsztajn
Life Guide, Coach + Speaker to Impact Entrepreneurs + Leaders: urszula.co.
Photographed by Kam Bialous.


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